Drug Issues

Why be concerned about employee substance use?

Employees who misuse substances are....

- 3.6 times more likely to injure themselves or co-workers

- 1/3 less productive, using twice as much sick leave

- 5 times more likely to file a workers compensation claim

- Filing 10 times as many grievances

- Disciplined 10 times more often

- Costing you time, trouble and money...

Increase your bottom line...

- Save on Workers’ Compensation claims

- Reduce accidents, absenteeism, theft & liability

- Enjoy a more productive workforce

Don't be misled...

- 70% of all drug abusers are employed

- Drug abusers know of, target for employment, and share information on companies that do not drug test.

Frequently Asked Questions

I suspect that many of my employees may be doing drugs. Will I lose them?

Our drug-free program is designed to maintain your valued employees while improving overall morale and performance.

Is the program expensive?

No. In fact, studies consistently show that drug-free workplaces save companies money, let us show you how.